About Us
Janakalyan PratisthanGenesis:
Janakalyan Pratisthan is the creation of committed Youth Development workers with critical understanding with the alliance of intellectuals and experienced development workers of the area.
It is a secular, Non-Political Organization aiming for social transformation through people’s participation at all levels. It was grown in promoting harmonious cooperation between various talents and professions for the development of the deprived sections of society. It is originated with a challenge against the exploited, unjust systems and structures in society and intervened with cultural and sociological inquiries to improve the quality of life and bring a change within the society at all levels. The team consists

of energetic Youth guided by learned professors, progressive lawyers, and Doctors with the leadership of an experienced energetic secretary whose motivation and initiation lead to the emergence of Janakalyan Pratisthan.
Janakalyan Pratisthan believes that the present society as a classless society as a whole is divided into a society of HAVE and HAVE NOT’s with an unequal distribution of Natural Resources. The minute minority rich class possesses and controls the national and Natural Resources and divided the Scheduled tribe percentage the majority class of poor usurping its wealth and vigor and lead them to subhuman lives. The class division with the social-cultural and religious sanctions made the poor poorer and Rich-Richer.

Our Mission
Organize and empower the deprived marginalized poor specially STs enhancing leadership promoting CBOs through facilitation towards self-reliance to enable them to access and control natural resources.

Our Vision
JKP aspires for a society that is just, participatory, sustainable, free from exploitation and Discrimination with equality where individuals and groups have the power to control their own lives in harmonious interdependence with nature.

Our Goal
The culture of silence by the deprived mass poor class is to be broken through awareness and unity with a holistic approach that secures power to the powerless majority leading to a classless society.